
Student Medication

CCRCE policy prohibits staff from providing students with medication unless a parent/guardian completes the proper authorization form. (click here to download)

Playground Supervisors

Children are supervised before school and at lunchtime by playground supervisors. These supervisors, with support from staff and administration, deal with accidents/problems that may arise while children are at play.

Student Arrival

Curbside stopping of cars at the main entrance to the school is only for students of special needs or students with crutches. Please keep in mind, there are buses, including two with a wheelchair lift, that use this area. Students should not be dropped off at the school before 8:00am as they will be unsupervised.

Proper Dress for School

Children are expected to arrive at school appropriately dressed. This means that students dress according to weather conditions, unless it is raining or it is extremely cold, children are expected to go outdoors at recess and noon hour. Also, children are to wear clothing that is free of offensive words, slogans, or graphics and must not promote alcohol, drugs, or tobacco products. Muscle shirts, undershirts, backless tops, belly shirts revealing the mid riff and strapless low cut halter tops, short-shorts, and short skirts are not considered appropriate. If students wear low-rise pants, undergarments are not to be visible.

Outside clothing, such as coats, jackets, gloves, sunglasses are not to be worn in class. As a courtesy, we ask that head coverings, except those worn under special circumstances, be removed as students enter the building.
Children must change their footwear after entering the building. Inside shoes should have non-marking soles and be suitable for Physical Education activities


Homework is a very important part of your child's academic development. Educational consultants recommend that the amount of time children should study every weekday should be approximately ten minutes times their grade level (Grade 2 - 20 minutes, Grade 6 - 60 minutes). Children should spend this time assigned each day studying, even if no homework has been assigned that day. If the school does not send homework, we would encourage parents to use the set block of time to:

  • Watch and discuss a television show
  • Discuss the evening news
  • Read together
  • Talk together
  • Play a game or engage in some other cooperative project
  • Build something together

Parents should contact their child's teacher if there is a concern regarding homework (too much or the work is too hard). Homework should:

  • Be the natural outcome of a child's experience or activities which aid in developing independent study habits
  • Help a child gain mastery of material or a skill
  • To complete unfinished class work

When Students are Ill

Please do not send students to school if they are ill. We have neither the facilities nor the personnel to care for sick children. If students become ill, the school will be calling home/contact and arrangements should be made to pick the student up as soon as possible. 

Custody Orders

If you have a legal custody order limiting access to a child by one of his/her parents, or another person, please provide a copy to the school.


If your child is bringing a lunch to school each day, please ensure that it is both nutritious and large enough to suit your child's needs during a long school day. Students may purchase a snack and/or lunch from the cafeteria. We ask, for safety reasons, not to send glass containers with your child, and, if a child who normally goes home for lunch wishes to stay, please contact the school in advance.

Lost and Found

The school accepts no responsibility for lost and/or damaged articles.

Lost and Found containers are located in the various classrooms and in the office area. Parents and students are encouraged to check these containers if items are missing. You are also encouraged to label all items of clothing. If something is labeled, it is returned to the owner.

Electronic Devices

The use of electronic devices is prohibited on school property, unless authorized by staff. This means the use of any electronic device such as a camera, cell phone, personal entertainment device, game, etc. is prohibited anywhere in the school, or on school property, at any time during the school day.

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