Our School

The A.G. Baillie Memorial School is located on the west side of the Town of New Glasgow. The school is named after Alexander Grant Baillie, a prominent member of the community, a teacher, and a former Supervisor of the elementary schools in New Glasgow. The school was formerly opened in August of 1969 as one of two elementary schools on the west side of New Glasgow. In 1990, the West Side School closed, with the students moving to a remodeled and renovated A.G. Baillie.

The A.G. Baillie Memorial School is an elementary school, with students enrolled in Grades Primary to Six. The school is also a French Immersion site for the central area of Pictou County and has one class each of Grade 4, 5, and 6 French Immersion students as part of its configuration.

The school has a history of strong parent support and involvement. “The Baillie” also has a reputation for academic excellence, participation in extra-curricular events such as athletics, band, drama, music, and others, as well as supporting causes/fundraising for charitable endeavors such as the IWK, UNICEF, Operation Christmas Child, the Food Bank, Terry Fox, and many others.

The mascot of the school is the bear. The school colors are red, white, and black.

Scent Sensitive Environment

The school maintains a scent sensitive environment. Please do not wear any scented product, such as after shave or perfume, when visiting the school.

Nuts and Nut Products

The school is a nut/nut product sensitive school. Parents and students are asked to refrain from bringing nuts and/or products containing nuts to the school, as there are a number of students who could suffer a life-threatening allergic reaction if they come into contact with these products.

Emergency Allergy Alert Form (click here to download)

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